The Fluidity of Language

So, do you think you have a pretty good grasp of English? Perhaps English is your native language? Or you are just fluent in it? Well, can you tell me what it means to “Google” something? Yeah, I suppose that is a rather easy one. But can you tell me what it means to “tweet” something? Oh, you can do that too?

English Language

Alright, well it seems that you do have a mastery of the English language! Sure, “tweet” and “LOL” may not be proper English words (“Google” as a verb is though), but they are certainly a part of our language. Language is fluid and ever-changing. Every single day it changes, and completely depends on what is said and understood.

Language develops and changes

That is why language is the great singularity! It practically creates itself. There is not a creator of language or a designer, but instead, it flows from how society uses the specific sounds that come out of our mouth. William Shakespeare is a good example of the fluidity of language. He used so many words that were never used before. He used newer sounding words or even changed the use of a word. For example, verbs became nouns and nouns became verbs, but everyone still understood the message he was trying to convey. So, essentially, words were being introduced, but already understood.

Hashtag on chalkboard

We do this from day to day life, but never really catch on to it. Some of us fight it with statements like “kids these days and their hashtags!” But in the end, this battle is useless. Language will develop and change from the very day we are born. Whether it be definitions, uses, slangs, or dialects, language stops for no one, and this happens in every single language.

So! Join one more singularity today, and start learning a new language!

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