Art With Food Becomes an Edible Masterpiece

El Buzo in Nicaragua

Pasta Bullelo
Pasta Bullelo

The extensive menu at Gastronomia el Buzo is a mouth-watering gallery of spectacular dishes. Each dish is a piece of art on a plate. The colors explode from the plates. It is so eye appealing and easy to enjoy. If you are a food connoisseur, this is a must destination while in Managua, Nicaragua. As they say in Nicaragua “Buen provecho”

Art on a dish

spaghetti revisitacion
spaghetti revisitacion

These eye-pleasing creations prove that the kitchen leader isn’t just a chef; he is also an artist. The owner and the chef have worked together for the past seven years, but two years ago they had a new vision and started creating masterpieces at Gastronomia el Buzo. The owner Alessio gives the chef full authority in his kitchen. The chef spends hours working on different designs to make each plate unique and q work of art that is appealing to eat.

Alessio Casimirri, Owner of Gastronomia El Buzo

Alessio Casimirri - owner
Alessio Casimirri- owner

Casimirri, the owner of Gastronomia El Buzo, shared with me that “Inspirations of all my dishes come from a dream, an image or even an idea.” He continues by saying: “Inspiration to my dishes come to me at the oddest time. The ‘Tiramigiu’ dessert was inspired during my drive from Leon to Managua. I was admiring the landscape which sparked an idea for this unique eggplant dessert.” – It is so out of this world delicious. (This is what I had for dessert.) He continued: “Yo no trabajo, yo me divierto” (“I don’t work, I have fun”)

What aspires a dish?

The aspiration at Gastronomia el Buzo is that the flavors of each dish explode in your mouth, exciting you to take the next bite.


Casimirri personally goes out 3 times a week to catch the fish that will be served later that week. Their bountiful organic garden provides him the fresh ingredients needed to provide dishes such as Fiesta de filetes, Pulpo a la peruana, Langosta de Miguel Angelo, Risotto mil colores, Crusando el mar rojo and many others. The list of unique delicious dishes is endless.

The LingoHut team highly recommends this restaurant from the appetizer through desserts. It’s a matter of taste. To learn more about this gem of a restaurant on Km 13 Carretera Sur, Managua, Nicaragua, visit the Facebook page.

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