Teach yourself Romanian

Picture yourself being able to make an appointment, plan a future meeting, or even reminisce about past events with ease and clarity in a new language. From talking about "Tomorrow morning" to referencing "Last year," you’ll find that being able to articulate specific moments in time broadens your conversational horizons immensely. And who knows? Mastering this Romanian lesson could be your key to planning an amazing foreign adventure without a hitch!

Time and date :: Romanian vocabulary

The intricacies of dates and times can be the unsung heroes of communication, whether it's coordinating a meetup or planning a special occasion. With Romanian Lesson 84, you'll delve into the world of calendars and clocks but in a way that's way more engaging than staring at a planner. You'll learn to navigate the timeline of your life, days, and months in a foreign language, which is an invaluable skill for both personal and professional settings.

Ready to dive into an assortment of Romanian vocabulary that makes discussing time and dates a breeze? Phrases like "Tomorrow morning" and "Day before yesterday" allow you to position events with respect to the present day. Looking to talk about more extended periods? You've got "Next week," "Last week," "Next month," and "Last month" to help frame those conversations. "Next year" and "Last year" are ideal for discussing long-term plans or reminiscing. The Romanian lesson also covers essential questions like "What day?" and "What month?" that you'll frequently encounter. "What day is it today?" and "Today is November 21" are your go-to Romanian phrases for daily life updates. For those specific moments, like an early morning wake-up or an upcoming appointment, Romanian phrases like "Wake me up at 8" and "When is your appointment?" come in handy. And if you're looking to defer a discussion, "Can we talk about it tomorrow?" offers a polite option. All in all, this Romanian lesson prepares you to converse confidently about the past, present, and future.