Teach yourself Belarusian

Feelings are universal, but the way we express them can be quite unique. With this Belarusian vocabulary, you’ll break through the limitations of emotional expression. Whether you want to share that you’re “Calm,” or need to communicate that something is “Difficult,” you'll be well-equipped to express your inner world in an understandable way.

Feelings and emotions :: Belarusian vocabulary

Are you tired of bottling up your emotions because you don't know how to express them in words? This Belarusian lesson will be your emotional release. You'll gain the Belarusian vocabulary to clearly articulate a wide array of feelings, from the highs of "Joy" and "Surprise" to the lows of being "Sad" or "Angry."

Welcome to a comprehensive Belarusian lesson featuring 18 words and Belarusian phrases that map out the human emotional landscape. This Belarusian vocabulary list covers fundamental emotions like "Happy," "Sad," "Angry," and "Afraid," but also includes words for more complex emotional states such as "Alone" and "Together." Need to apologize or offer comfort? You’ll find "I am sorry" and "Don't worry" incredibly useful. Each term or phrase provides you with a nuanced way to express your emotions, making your conversations richer and more meaningful.