Set Realistic Expectations: Learning A Language

When it comes to learning a second language, everyone has a different view on what it takes to learn a language. Some people believe that they could never learn a language because in their mind it is impossible. While others think they can be fluent in a few short months.

The essential component in learning is defining measurable personal goals. Most people set generic goals such as “I want to be able to speak the language” or “I want to be able to understand.” This type of statements is difficult to measure.

Language learners should define specific language achievements they would like to reach. Learning vocabulary for specific situations keeps the learning active and engaging. For example, greeting your neighbors, ordering food, giving directions to a taxi driver or checking into a hotel to mention a few.

How professor Jargonstein suggests setting realistic expectations

By setting language learning targets that are measurable, the learner can quickly evaluate their learning process. Therefore have a sense of accomplishment when they see what they can do.

To sum up, if the learner defines and meets measurable language learning goals, their efforts will result in successful acquisition in the end.

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